Building a Thriving CS Community and Personal Brand with BONDR

Using social selling to gather a crowd online

Building a Thriving CS Community and Personal Brand with BONDR
SS as-a-service
Mick Weijers
Visit website
Result 1
Increase organic traffic
Result 2
More impressions

Project overview

One year ago, I set a goal for myself: to build the strongest Customer Success (CS) community throughout Europe. I wanted to bring thousands of CS professionals together by hosting some of the best events where CS professionals can share and grow together. My ultimate vision was to leverage this community to offer my services to CEOs and founders, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Perhaps I was a bite too optimistic in the beginning. While my LinkedIn profile was doing reasonably well, 4,000 followers and approximately 2,000 weekly impressions on my posts, it was clear that I needed to up my game.

Unfortunately, I was facing a significant time crunch and couldn't afford to divert too much time from my CS director responsibilities.

Until I started to work with BONDR.

Project execution

The situation before

Before joining forces with BONDR, my LinkedIn presence was all right, but it fell short of the scale and impact I needed. Despite my best efforts, I was strapped for time, so I was unable to consistently engage with my network, or to create a consistent content flow, to truly grow a community.

Enter BONDR:

BONDR brought a fresh and innovative approach to the table. They not only took over the responsibility of content creation but also ensured that I actively engaged with high-profile CS professionals. This meant that my personal brand was consistently being nurtured and developed without me having to sacrifice time that I couldn't spare.

The After Scenario:

Fast forward to the present, and the results have been awesome. With BONDR's support and expertise, my LinkedIn following has grown exponentially, to over 10,000 followers. Impressions on my posts now reach over 20,000 per week. These results alone make a real difference in my visibility and influence.

More importantly, my vision of hosting fantastic events throughout Europe has become a reality. Now we have sold out events per year in places such as Madrid and Stockholm with over 100 attendees. Thanks to the personal brand I’ve received inquiries for speaking engagements, my inbox is flooded with other requests to collaborate and engage together.

This has not only expanded my network but also opened doors to exciting opportunities. Recently, I was honored to share the stage with none other than Aaron Ross, speaking at a prominent industry event.


In conclusion, my journey from a determined but time-constrained CS director to a recognized industry figure, actively contributing to my community, was made possible by the strategic support of BONDR. Their expertise in personal branding and networking not only saved me precious time but also amplified my influence beyond my wildest dreams. I am very happy with our partnership, which has not only helped me reach my goals but has also opened doors to new and exciting opportunities.

Thank you, BONDR!

Key KPIs:

  • LinkedIn Followers: Grew from 4,000 to 10,000+
  • Weekly Impressions: Increased from 2,000 to 20,000+
  • Event Attendees: Hosting 15 events with 100+ attendees
  • Speaking Engagements: Received inquiries for public speaking engagements
  • Networking: Inbox flooded with connection requests, collaboration offers, and engagement opportunities
  • Industry Recognition: Spoke alongside Aaron Ross at a prestigious industry event